
November 11, 2019

Documents' Link

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1.Rohingya in Bangladesh

2.History of Arakan

3.An open prison for the Rohingya in Burma 

4.Between Integration and Secession by Moshe Yega

5.We Are Like a Soccer Ball -2003 by Chris Lewa

6.Rape Force labor and religious persecution in Arakan by Asia Watch (1992)

7.Encyclopedia of the South East Asia Ethnography (Arakan)

8.History of Arakan by Gutman Palmela 

9.Arakan Past-Present-Future by John Ogilvy JP 

10.10 Years Rohingyas Past Present and future by MSF

11.Repertration Rohingya Refugee in 1978 by C A Abrar

12.The Etymology of Arakan by Noor Kamal

13.Crime against humanity in western Burma, Rohingya by Irish Human Right

14.Old Arakan by U Shan Shwe Bu

15.Phd thesis paper on Arakanese religious by Michel W.Chrney‘s

16.A history of emporer Aurangzeb Alamgir by Maasir-i-Alamgiri

17.History of Portugal and the Portuguese Impire 2

18.The Arakan Project 2010 by Chris Lewa

19.Treatment of Ethnic Rohingya Minorities by Tukumi Ogawa

20.A short history of Rohingya by U Ba Tha

21.Rohingya in Bangladesh

22.Easy Target By Karen Human Right Group

23.Rohingyas Tears Down the Cheeks

24.Human Rights Abuses and Discrimination on Rohingyas by Zaw Min Htut

25.Do you know that I am Rohingya ?

26.Refugees from Myanmar by International Commission of Jurists

27.Just Imagine That You Are a Rohingya by Dr.Habib Siddqui

28.Ethinic Cleansing in Arakan 2000 by FIDH

29.Arakan Present-Past-Future by J- Qgilvy Hay J P

30.A Short Historical Background of Arakan by Mohammed Ashraf Alam

31..Rohingyas Boat People by Grass Roots

32.All Burmese Muslim in Myanmar

33.A Rohingya Histroy by Noor Kamal

34..Displaced People

35.Genocide and gross human right violation 

36. Where are you from my friend?

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